ミュンヘンクリスマス市(Muenchen Christmas market) in Sapporo is held now. Yes, we have a small weihnachtsmarkt here! You might think "Why is it named Muenchen? Sapporo isn't a German city, no?". Because Muenchen is one of sister cities of Sapporo. So we place some German(Bavarian) events here. We don't have Oktoberfest though ^^; I guess it's already too cold to take place on October in Sapporo(we even have the first snow toward the end of October!). But you can see some sites of Oktoberfest in Japan. ( In Tokyo(Hibiya) and Sendai , in Fukuoka )
A signboard of an entrance
You can buy many kinds of Christmas goods here. I saw some sightseers of Chinese. Sapporo is a popular tourist resort for people from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Because we have a lot of snow in winter.
Some wursts and schnitzel, glühwein<333 All of them looked tasty!!
I had a cup of glühwein! It was so yummy~~~<3 All of cups and plates are returnable and not disposable for the environment.
You can get a deposit fee here when you put a cup or a plate back. Volunteer staffs without pay wash them.
There are more photos here !
By the way, you can buy some stollen at bakeries here and there during advent... I wonder why Japanese like German Christmas things so much. Why?? Certainly Germans and Japanese have some similarities like serious, hardworking and introvert. I have no idea about that reason even though I'm a Japanese who likes stollen and glühwein ^^;
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