I've got a lovely package from
Yaaay, I can feel the wind of Poland! (what??) Krówka would be kind of a caramel candy. It's written "hand made" on a wrapping paper, and I doubted it. "Oh, I guess it's not hand made, looks like industrial goods, right?" But, I might be wrong. Because that taste is like a caramel made by me... Oh, are these actually hand-made candies? Incredible.
A christmas card made by medi~ 8D Awesome! Haha, I guess Kiku attempts to make unique sushi. And Feliks tries to stop him "そ…そうでないしー!"XD
Polish stamps look so cute. You can say when you meet a man like in the stamp, こっちみんなwww
Anyway, have you seen this strip in Hetalia ?
Yes. Feliks is eating Paluszki.
Feliks is eating Paluszki.
Feliks is eating Paluszki.
I wanted to try it, and medi sent me it from Poland!!! 8D
I had paluszki with pot‐au‐feu. I found paluszki could match many dishes. I guess it's nice to have paluszki with beer! I bet Ludwig likes it. I also guessed paluszki would be like pretzels, no?
Anyway, you could see I enjoyed them a lot! Thanks again, Medi<3
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