Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chapstick Favor Baby Shower

message: cardboard roofs (II)

First of all, Valentine's impressions around here (for St. Valentine's impressions, follow the link). Happy day! Ali Primera

is a Venezuelan singer whose history and music has been heard with increasing frequency in the time the government of Hugo Chávez. I wonder if First, with all due respect, had since his time his songs were backed by a government standard (not this or that), but you can not deny that the message is still universal.

may remember the movie the Innocent Voices by Luis Mandoki.

How sad the rain sounds
in cardboard roofs
how sad my people
live in cardboard houses

worker comes down the steps
almost dragging the weight of suffering that is looking
much suffering!
looks weighing suffer!

Above, left a pregnant woman is the city

down and lost in the tangle
today is the same as yesterday
morning his life is without

"That the rain falls,
comes, comes suffering
but if the rain passes,
happens when suffering?
when is the hope? "Children

color of my land with their own scars

worms millionaires
And, therefore: how sad

children living in cardboard houses
how happy dogs live
You will not believe but there are schools

dogs and give them
education so they do not bite the day but the pattern
years, many years
who is biting the worker

O oh, uhum, uhum

How sad the rain sounds in the home

cardboard how far
hope happens in the cardboard roofs


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