Monday, December 29, 2008
Physique Of An Underwear Model
joy division - disorder
I've been waiting for a guide to come and take me by the hand, Could
These sensations make me feel the pleasures of a normal man? These sensations barely Interest
me for another day,
've got the spirit, lose the feeling, take the shock away.
It's getting faster, moving faster now, it's getting out of hand,
On the tenth floor, down the back stairs, it's a no man's land,
Lights are flashing, cars are crashing, getting frequent now,
I've got the spirit, lose the feeling, let it out somehow.
What means to you, what means to me, and we will meet again,
I'm watching you, I'm watching her, I'll take no pity from you friends,
Who is right, who can tell, and who gives a damn right now,
Until the spirit new sensation takes hold, then you know,
Until the spirit new sensation takes hold, then you know,
Until the spirit new sensation takes hold, then you know,
've got the spirit, But lose the feeling, I've got the spirit
, pero lose the feeling,
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Salary Of Ambulance Driver In Canada
images in velvet and a quiet slow, clear, illuminates everything. hands do not feel hot to cold, never, candy bag, not hunger. I want to lick you forever, I always take care.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Essence Of Beauty Brushes For Sale
I think you should feel some pain. But I feel the pain like a glass of liquor in my hand, tangible, drinkable, but so used to alcohol does not act against me. The pain should make you vulnerable. You can even see me smile sadly mourn. These nuances are not going to sour my character, or become more docile and stupid. It is not real pain. May have drunk too much, the pain has changed me before, to make me resigned. Resigned.
only thing that moves me is the pain it may cause, which can only be calculated over the years.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Buy Gold Desert Eagle
His pupil is so sweet that I am afraid to look, no blemishes on their color, perfect opaque able to pinch the feelings more intense, bright bounce in his retina. And your chest apparently fragile as tiny polka dotted Granai of intense ruby, makes me think of my Sangre if it will be close simbolizado into him, or if its largas pestañas romperme finally achieve your heart fast, not as I have no one that never dejado hiciese. Sometimes I eat
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Gay Cruising Area New York
feelings by not listening to them, not having to think as my stomach hurt roars simulations and full of memories. Luckily my heart freezes when really necessary, is quick to start me in ways turtuosos, bitter, if necessary, to feed myself honestly in a twitch where I'll be able to shed all my blood lips like words.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Aluminium Floor On Beach Buggy
Torreón, 2/11/2007
Dear joel,
Consequently, at least for my part, no photos of the first moment in which, finally, we could sit down to continue our meeting with the Eternal coming to breakfast on November 2 as a dropper, as the amount of sleep they'd had each group (men less).
Torreón, our target of three days, two weeks ago turned 100 years to receive-officially-town nomenclature , deserved special attention. This city is part of the "Comarca Laguna" in obedience to the nearby lakes, natural monuments of Mexico and the cercaníaa cities like Gomez Palacio and Lerdo, together called "Laguna Region."
I can tell you that since last night, is revealed as a broad and friendly, without skyscrapers that defy the eye. In the cafeteria of the hotel was the site of the first meeting with Mexican gastronomic traditions: the corn tortilla, hard, sand-colored, cooked on a griddle called comal, similar. I tell my colleagues that this is the staple food of Mexicans, whose price fair (or unfair) depends on the power of many. He was accompanied by Chile (which I will for now), frijoles (beans), black, besides the perennial cereal with milk and fresh fruit. Living in Venezuela, a tortilla instead of corn bread, cheese and ham instead of chile and tortillas, as he knew, would probably be relegated to a chain restaurant or Mexican cuisine.
---- How then to explain the environment for which I am walking? Could start with a common element among travelers and diplomats: the exchange of gifts or Package delivery. Are pieces from different worlds, mimetic, in a single portrait. As a result, coffee evenings Eva and Victor will be guarded by the statue of Venezuelan petroglyphs and pianist who can not be shot by Luis Jaime-Cortez and Carlos Fuentes transparent region will accompan Attachment of "Lady", Maria Felix in the film Dona Barbara.
We have all received an additional gift from the bride and groom: a series of books and pamphlets that will allow us to decipher easy to Torreon. Account the material given by Victor that this city was named after the English first arrived to these latitudes. " As for her local poetry, the local bard Saul Rosales defined in the same text as "Polymorphic multánime."
Such descriptions are useful
. There are multiple ways and times to around the Plaza de Armas: buildings that are identified with the beginning of the twentieth century's most sculptures of cows with pre-Hispanic themes brightly shining through the facade and futuristic Arocena Museum.
A rhythm makes us itch shoes: There is a large public karaoke to the highest bidder invited to sing a melody in the region. Apart from the spectators, other Harriers made morning life: the shoemakers, the transit tax in his smart uniform Morelos Avenue, the pedestrian anonymous. In addition to the centennial city dwellers, people calmly held the day of the year that will never work: the Friday after All Saints Day. ------
The title gave us Eva and Victor: tram Voices: poetry shows La Laguna, was accompanied by two postcards:
1) black and white photography, dated September 9, 1913 . A row of people cross a suspension bridge, apparently of iron. The description says: "Another of the bridges linking the public and communicated Laguna, was the electric streetcar. His tour included the cities of Torreon, Gomez Palacio and Lerdo.
2) No Date black and white. "Guayule is a plant native to northern Mexico and was used for the production of rubber. Miller's lens captured the workers packing the guayule American company.
Footprints of history, signs for tours for next time. In the book, on page 122, I found my mission for today:
( joel silver , Torreon, 1953)
the city woke up with a broken heart
steam locomotives spewing sources
old streets full of people tell me
beyond "cars die on their legs
up as elephants?
Clouds are a
fat ladies (well pass heavyweight fighters)
because we were in the park
(third person told me
like an assistant Sara Garcia)
has a place in the sun photography andhas
chance ended up shooting the moon as a ball pool
invited me to drink gave me a quote
nothing in those days
tell me you drive?
read the page from criminal trials in the newspaper
know know know
As you can imagine now, I'm fine. For three days, we will continue buscando nuevas postales...
pd. la métrica y ortografía reproducen la utilizada por el libro
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Dragon Dragon Age Wolf Lair
Okay, I know I should put a decent entry to tell some of my after 5 weeks without updating the counter happy
Meme stolen from
inevitable that as we read the diaries of others, we create a mental image of them. Even if we occasionally, you usually have a mental image of me that may agree or disagree with my real appearance. If we've never met face to face, the mental image can become truly interesting. Take a moment to think about what famous person (can be a model, actress, actor, a character in a series of a film, a particular photo ... whatever) I remember you and find an image on the internet, then post it in my diary.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Microscopes Under $100
Perhaps we ought to ask Monty Python and the Meaning of Life ?
Quint, from Ain´t it Cool News), sticks to what Gordon Liu ( Kill Bill actor) said in an interview : If you see some food appearing, go ahead and eat it, but don’t try to kill it. Don’t try to hurt other people.
But I´d like to ask someone from India.
From A Simple Path , by Mother Teresa of Calcutta,
"We have a sign on the wall of the children´s home in Calcutta that reads:
Take time to think
Take time to pray
Take time to laugh
It is the source of power
It is the greatest power on Earth
It´s the music of the soul
Take time to play
Take time to love and be loved
Take time to give
It is the secret of perpetual youth
It is God´s given privilege
Itis too short a day to be selfish
Take time to read
Take time to be friendly
Take time to work
It is the foundation of wisdom
It is the road to happiness
It is the price of success
Take time to do charity
It is the key to Heaven.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Goldfinch House Plans
Íngrid Betancourt and other 14 FARC hostages (Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces) are finally free, thanks to God and many people).
When Marc Gonsalvez (one of three Americans kidnapped in 2003, all freed with Betancourt) recalled two days ago some of his experiences in a press conference, he called upon the fact that FARC are terrorists "with a capital T". But he also said : "the majority of FARC's forces are children and young adults (...) They come from extreme poverty and have very little or nor education. So they're easily tricked into joining the FARC, and they're brainwashed, believing that their cause is a just cause". That statment made us remember tof Pablo Rodríguez (*), an acquaintance of ours who was kidnapped in the Venezuela-Colombia frontier five years ago by irregular groups (not FARC). The ones that took care of him were teenagers who would talk about Marx, the revolution and Simón Bolívar, but would also call their hostage "dad" and were sad to see him go after his ransom was paid.
Are they still roaming through the jungle now? Could they be dead or still alive by now?
Many historical reasons should be accounted to justify FARC´s existence, but both Gonsalvez and Pablo´s experiences show, once again, that poverty is one of them.
The day after Betancourt´s release I looked at some titles while being in a workshop with other journalists: Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism , by Muhamad Yunus (Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2006) and The Fortune at the end of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits , by CK Prahalad, professor. These books bring both theoretical and practical reasoning on the benefits of entrepreneurship, micro-financing and inclusive business for development. I have read just bits of Yunus´ but both books should not be overlooked.
Microfinancing not as the magic pill for solving inequalities in Colombia and Latin America, but to affirm that Íngrid´s release seems to mark an excellent time to remember that peace in our region should not be only achieved by the completion of military targets or political agreements.
(*) Changed name
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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Tomorrow we will face the decision to end a life. The
of my cat, Lucy, who was in the afternoon yesterday diagnosed with Feline Leukemia , an incurable disease, not transmittable to humans and has undermined his health, especially in the last week. Their survival, according to the veterinarian, would be tied to blood transfusions and treatment to extend his term of life, everything would have one more final. Thus the decision to euthanize the animal is legitimate and legal.
But his legacy is large: among others, the neighbors with whom we started talking regularly and, with the cat Street home, opening to the problems of thousands of animals "without race"-or her-that terms found in the street an extermination camp.
Word on the street, "the more you know the man, the more I love my dog." Could not exclude a man less than an animal. Both are equally worthy of respect. I am counting on humans to that community, can be protective of the estate as are all the animals.
Lying for hours in the same chair, staring at us with big eyes Lucy Green in a few hours and will be closed forever, no idea, perhaps, of what to expect. But quiet, Lucita, "I say it will be something calmer. Rest, and have no more pain.
Thanks for almost two years of good stories, smiles, meows and scratches.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Samaire Armstrong Who She Looks Like
SPAIN TO THE FINAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
SPAIN TO THE FINAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
What To Write To A Friend That Just Got Engage
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality That Keeps life moving, you lose That courage to be, That quality That Helps you go on in Spite of it all.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Xepisodes Won't Work On Iphone
- Music "rediscovered"
Innocent, Our Lady Peace, Canadian indie rock
David Cook, winner of American Idol has nothing on "Idol", fortunately.
Frank Sinatra, ten years after his departure
- Press you can read you. From the kitchen of projects and jobs:
- Excerpt: An instrument of your peace. San Francisco de Assisi. Version: Prayer of St. Francis , for the wonderful Sarah McLachlan.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
What Is A Merchant Number
If I ever will
by birdsong.
the trees not to be from
me or go after a visit in the fall,
or by rivers, underground,
are still talking to her voice more clearly. If at the end
back corporeal or incorporeal,
levitating in myself,
although nothing came in from the absence
know my voice will be found next to their choirs
and again, if I return, for them
what was life in me not cease to be held,
dwell the most innocent of their songs.
Eugenio Montejo (1938 - 2008)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Leica Microscopen For Gemstones
Please think about this song.
Please, think about this song
Miguel Bosé & Juanes
Flight injured and not know where to go with the rage
me asked to forget everything in order ...
nothing particular I
is my wrath So tired of walking;
I've Been Asked to forget everything. Indeed
... Nothing in particular.
I do not ask a country brief:
dignity a hug,
in order ... nothing special
I do not ask you for a country That Flees:
With Dignity, one hug. Indeed
... Nothing in particular.
call it Freedom.
Tell the wind not sink,
call it Freedom.
Call it Freedom.
wind Tell Me That Will Not Be the sinking cause of STIs,
Call it Freedom.
that if I die, kill me with love:
nothing special.
May work for peace.
May I, in death, be Killed by your love:
Nothing in particular.
Brazilian Wax Irritation
LuisCarlos , journalist and fellow blogger, makes a diagnosis of the Internet landscape by 2028, two decades from now:
1. Obviously talking about the future of the Internet will discuss the future of the world. Communication and community have a common root.
2. In 2028, 140 characters are an insult to the length. Archaeologists fished in twitter the beginning of big crunch.
3. In 2028 the Internet will have several virtual countries, legitimate forms of government and have representatives in the UN .
4. The digital commerce is commerce.
5. Although today it is already, in 2028 each person will be a walking reality show. You can broadcast live by streamin g wireless connectivity with their lives. Internet is a skin.
6. In 2028, inevitably, end up asking your son or your grandson to explain to you something you do not understand. No matter if today you are a geek or a citizen of the prehistoric Web 2.0 that will be for them and for their children.
7. And as good will, I hope that in 2028, when we bring decades of this side of the digital divide, I will not forget the existence of the gap and the people who are and will the other side.
fully endorse the point 7! I think there will have to start thinking in a digital res Decalogue (digital man). Some ideas of its own:
My mood is as important as new technology.
face emoticon behind every wrinkle of truth.
My rights and duties remain, but I'm sitting at the computer. Yours too, whatever your nationality, origin or creed.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Mastering The World Of Psychology On Craigslist
I like to visit the
that a member,
Without further ado..
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Ontario Drivers License Laser Eye Surgery
swear I was struck by the British science fiction series Doctor Who , about the adventures of an alien traveler (the "Doctor", starring by David Tennant) and his human companions through different eras on Earth and other worlds. This series is an institution in Great Britain has been on the air since 1963 and after several years in suspension, returned in 2005 to establish the series we know today. Each season consists of 12 episodes plus the Christmas special and charity.
The music, composed by Murray Gold was the lure that caught me, lol. Let's see what happens to the chapters of the fourth season: Doomsday
(end of the second season)
And of course, the protagonists of the current season: The tenth incarnation of the Doctor, David Tennant and his travel companion, Donna Noble (Catherine Tate):
(not the best picture .. but at least one)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Fibroid Surgery In Toronto
Such a phrase. I have pondered it several times since I first heard it. Sister Prejean establishes herself as a believer and how such beliefs are intrinsic with her work and everyday life.
All of us, I would say, have at least given some thought into the matter. The question of a supreme being was born with man itself when reason could not explain all the causes of the universe. Thus God was found in either single or multiple forms, in nature´s element or created upon´s man image to represent certain quality: power, fertility, the underworld and others. Today, under different labels, many, many people confess themselves as believers in one (some cases, more than one) only God.
I was born and raised in a specific religious tradition -Roman Catholicism-, which centered in the belief of Jesus of Nazareth as the only, begotten, Son of God -the same God of Islam and Judaism. Catholic is a latin word that means universality - an universal community centered around Rome and the figure of the pope, sucessor of Peter, apostle of Jesus Christ.
Belonging into a church could be marked, first, as a part of the childhood of many people. Enter, in my case, my grandmothers and parents, who taught me prayers and took me to Mass. In my teen years, I received further instruction on the doctrine of the Church, ethics and philosophy through my high school. Several new findings were done there, for example, St. Thomas Aquinas´ Five Ways to know God from the Summa Theologiae. Five rational arguments to know God.
Tradition and learnings left their mark. But what is that supreme being work into the real world. What is called the militant (Catholic) church. The one that climbs the steps of Caracas´ most violent shanty towns and helds a parish there, in which the neighbours photographs of those who have been assasinated and have not received justice through the local authorities every Mass. Despite such signs of darkness, though, there is hope. In the same parish tyouth groups, individuals, continue working with and supporting each other, especially those who need aid. And for those of us who came to them trying to help as volunteers... they ended up teaching us more, way more, than any expectation could foreseen.
All of this, in a world that constantly questions the notion of the existence of God through wars, cruelty and incurable ailments, among many reasons.
Who are you? Why are we your children? What are you in the lives of the humans of the 21st century, destructive and cruel, But Also capable of compassion and beauty?
as I See These questions invite us to Peruse That Our Traditions, explore new ones in an everlasting invitation That is God.
(To be continued)
1. Quo vadis: "Where are you going, Lord?" Taken from Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel Quo vadis .
Sister Helen Prejean, CSJ, inspired by the film Dead Man Walking (1995), with Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn, has been fighting for twenty years for the repeal of the death penalty in the United States product of their experience accompanying spiritual kin of the convicts and victims alike. Recently, I found his intervention in the program Living My Prayer, National Public Radio in the United States. She then said: "The only way for what I believe is watching things that I do" ( The only way I Know What I really believe is by Keeping watch over what i do ).
Which words. This phrase I've been thinking since I heard, because he senses how Sister Prejean is confessed as a believer in a divine being and how this belief is manifested in dialogue, prayer, and in everyday life.
In this world, the question of a supreme being was synonymous with the origin of man. Probably the thought began when reason could not justify full. The gods were born and in memory of the people and took many forms, according to his followers, some were found in the earth, water, fire, air, earth, and others representing human forms representing particular qualities - the origin of the universe, fertility and the afterlife. Faith, in one way or another, has been with us since we homo sapiens and in the case of our day, continues to do so in different colors and flavors.
I was born and received the stamp printed on a tradition Catholic-Christian religious-whose details, in the first place: Christian, in the figure of Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God sent to Earth. Jesus crucified. Catholic is a Latin word referring to a universal community based in the city of Rome and head of the Pope, successor to the authority of Peter, an apostle of Jesus. My adventures in it began to pair the almanac: grandmothers life in childhood accompanied me and educated in the rudiments of faith, prayer, Mass, several passages of the Bible. The first youth was wandering deeper into the doctrine. Heard in class about the five ways of Aquinas , which pose a rational way of closeness to God.
But a few years later, what was with my traditions and my question? Was it a mere exercise of the head and no heart?
is not surprising that the university, or other areas, men and women ask for the knowledge and belief. Question why a tradition and its relevance in the world you live .. But sooner or later, you could find that God becomes more a matter of thinking .. as it says Ricardo Arjona, Jesus is a verb .. not substantive.
met in college next to the church that lives permanently in parts of the world where they can. In the Mass on Easter Thursday in a suburb of Caracas, such issues are aired, as the dead from violence in the neighborhood about whom there is an answer, but finally there is hope. And groups of young people and adults visit the missions - no, not the Venezuelan government missions, but the religious missions, in which the humbling experience and serenity where you think ... think that the community of human beings so dissimilar. There are men and women, close friends who have dedicated their entire life serving the community of believers, a choice that is not so common in our times.
God, in concrete, was action and life change in people, whether in the liturgy or in simple daily dealings. It's beautiful ... beautiful and transcendent. As certain elements of nature. Here are questions not just of justice .. but of order: If the universe from a Big Bang ... "Whose is the engineering for which it was created?". The formation of my previous years then found a new motivating.
Moreover, the secular world and ungrateful the name of God is easy or welcome. Incurable diseases, events such as September 11, the flaws in our own lives or simply those things that you can not understand his reasons. Some people do not think there is one God. Or are agnostic, ie, accept the possibility of its existence, but outside of organized religion.
In all cases, the question of Sister Helen Prejean leads to other questions, now in second person
Who are you? Why are your children? What is life in 2008, with this creation that pollutes and destroys, but also creates and can love? How To Live Your legacy and your word?
are questions over the tradition in which we were born, such as Catholicism, or the exploration of other alternatives we can explore. And, for happiness, complete freedom.
1. Quo vadis, Domine? ("Where are you, Lord?) Belongs to a passage in the novel Quo vadis the Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz will continue counting on this new series.
2. Catholic: Adjective original Latin Catholicus, and this the Greek καθολικός, universal. That includes or is common to all. Source: Royal English Academy.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Should I Buy Gore Tex Shoes
1. Maxi Rodriguez
2. Simao
3. Diego Forlan
4. Luis Garcia
5. Miguel de las Cuevas
6. Paul ¿?
7. Camacho ¿?
8. Raul Garcia
9. ¿Antonio Lopez?
10. Sergio Aguero
11. No idea
12. Jury ¿?
13. Fabiano Eller ¿?
14. No idea
15. No idea
16. No idea
I do not know who signs. Because of That There Are some numbers without a name (which most perfect English) If you Recognize Some of the signatures, tell me please. Original pic
The list of the players Who Travelled to Sevilla That day is: 13 Abbiatti, 25 Leo Franco, 3 A. Lopez, 22 Paul, 21 Perea, Pernia 4, 2 Seitaridis, 12 Eller, 11 Maxi, Cleber 6, 8 R. García, Simao 24, 29 Camacho, 9 L. Garcia, 15 Jury, 19 Miguel de las C., 7 Forlan, 10 Agüero (not all of the players signed my shirt Because There Are Only 16 signatures, and 18 players Travelled to Sevilla)
My T-shirt Bojan
My T-shirt (Luca Toni)
Camp Nou Camp Nou 1
Camp Nou 2
Ps. Sorry Because the pictures are too big
Ps2. St Jordi. Everyone in my house knows that it is a holiday that I like and nobody in my house has not deigned to give me a rose or a book, no comments ¬ ¬ My mum has tried, but ultimately closed the Stationery donde me iba a comprar "El juego del Angel" el nuevo de Ruiz Zafon <3
Pan And Zoom Adobe Premiere 6
The director of the Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Angel Viloria, estimated that less than 15 years will not see the white one of the few places that have snow in Venezuela: Pico Bolivar (5007 m) . So pack up the equipment, build muscle and increase the memory storage, because our grandchildren will not see snow-capped peak of continuing global warming trends.
To put our touch every day for environmental protection, there is useful information in
For audiovisual an episode of Captain Planet or view the documentary by Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth (An Inconvenient Truth).
Otherwise, snowcapped peaks will be more than what the future will not get to see. [Unknown LJ tag]
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
What Does Fierce Smell
Kiitos, Jean Sibelius (1865 - 1957)!
kittos = gracias, en finlandés
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sympathy Messages Cancer
Sign reads: Venezuela, thanks for the oil!
Boston Delegation, WSF (World Social Forum), 2006
Credits: Latinas and Latinos for Social Change
Since 2003, our hosting duties in a different manner: Several large, global-scaled, civil society gatherings have been held in Caracas and other cities bringing together guests and speakers from all the continents -activists, students, academics and many others- usually with the state acting out as the organiser or financial supporter. We´ve held, among others:
1st World Encounter of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity (2004)
16th World Festival of Youth and Students (2005; "For Peace and Solidarity, We Struggle Against Imperialism and War")
World Social Forum (2006, "Another World is Possible")
and.. currently, the World Peace Conference ("Caracas, World Capital of Peace and Anti Imperialism")
Venezuela has become, for many people, a haven for "counterpoint" meetings and such vision has been reaffirmed by the government. They, for one part, have given an opportunity with people from around the world to discuss critical issues relevant for all of us and also act as a window to the country, its culture and people.
Are such meetings completely fulfill their purposes when the government of the host country acts as as one -if not the- main organizer? There seems to be something amiss when the meeting of the World Peace Council coincides with the 6th anniversary of the April 11th 2002 coup d´état against Hugo Chávez´s government and its comeback on the 13th.
Last Wednesday, the local National Assembly (Congress) granted an additional credit for US$9.84 million to the actor Danny Glover for a film epic about the Haitian independence hero François Dominique Toussaint-Louverturen - Toussaint , listed in the IMdB for a 2009 release At the same time, in other places of our country, such as San Carlos, capital of the Cojedes State, people are demanding more security after the assasination of a baker:
Sign reads:
Who answers for our dead? Where are the state´s organisms? We demand security, inepts!
San Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela
Source: Noticias24
The aforementioned encounters do represent a great source of learning but where are their long lasting effects in today´s Venezuela?
Perhaps these international events come true at the end by making us see the need to work on our own problems as well as the rest of the world´s. But please, someone tell the government: we need you as much as the rest of the world.
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Best film soundtracks - Telegraph paper - UK
25 ideas para periodistas que pretendan que Internet no les pase por encima
Everything is on fire: one person's journey from Tibetan Buddhism to Catholicism - Books & Culture
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
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of how a crash happened to be a call for mass and tubazo in 2.0 ...
Step 1: At 11:45 am approximately, begin a general uproar in the Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB) in Caracas. No, they are demonstrating against Chávez and won the Real Madrid or Barcelona (usual excuses for massive uproar.)
The Cinquantenaire (youngest building classrooms) has been struck on the wall!
Step 2: Run onlookers and it appears that a girl gave him to play fun race ... or car (back) slipped to her in the ravine adjacent to the building until it hits the front.
Step 3: nothing happened fortunately, the driver or the front of the building. Come the usual gawkers and a Ford Fiesta car-blue color is removed with a crane.
Part One:
Part Two:
cameramen spot Step 4: 1:00 pm (approximately): The first data reveal: student UCAB, had no driver's license and the car was hers not. The owner, another student, corduroy she introduced herself and took responsibility. We do not know what happened to him. What about chama? "Anything happened? Some say he was eating the arrow and threw back to park. Others want to miss a midterm exam. It is not known and perhaps not the word knowledge.
Step 5: clarify that we got to campus after 2:00 pm, so my primary source of news was the story of passage, found more than five times (you chased everywhere).
Step 6: 2 hours after the accident "? before installing the video on YouTube thanks to the chambers of the cell and creating a Facebook group: Only an idiot STAR BUILDING AGAINST YOUR CAR FIFTIETH , with more photos and video.
Number of members at 12:21 am, 04/09/2008 (12 hours of the event: 1529 people
PD 1 Chaam, as you call it, you won a place in the pantheon of college anecdote precisely 04/08/2008
the PD 2 Ah .. and I present my university, once classic Venezuelan fuck. For Therefore, the record, the "cock" heard not the responsibility of this writer.
PD 3 and do not come with the refrain of which had to be a woman! .. excuse obsolete, gentlemen. Some debts
Monday, April 7, 2008
Famous Atheists Of All Time
quizzes and questionnaires ...
Some Debts in quizzes and / or Questionnaire:
1) Morgan Freeman Rules Them All: Don Morgan is a gentleman. Inspires dignity and elegance in abundance.
2) David Tennant: Dr Who Current (science fiction series with over 30 years on the air in the UK) and Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I love the look "chic geek" he has.
3) Chow Yun Fat: Because of Anna and the King and, later, Hero. And the picture I found is called "Chow Yun-Fat as Master Roshi" XDDDDD.
4) Denzel Washington: Denzel, Denzel! What else can you say?
5) Ewan McGregor: an actor who inspires with his versatility .. and seeing him in Moulin Rouge, how it causes you sing well!
6) Sir Patrick Stewart: Monster Shakespearean theater. And I want to see in the series Moby Dick!
7) James Marsden: I am convinced criticism of him as Harry Knowles Actor ending drawing attention, as in X-Men 2 or more recently, Enchanted and Hairspray. Jajaaa, Tatiana, do not you bursting with laughter at the scene of Central Park and cyclists?
8) Daniel Dae Kim: LOST fans know that the suitors abound: Naveen Andrews, Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Jorge Garcia ... but I want to highlight Daniel Dae Kim (Jin). Has something ..
9) Daniel Day Lewis: Act or, activist and owner of the most beautiful green eyes of the film:
10) Glen Hansard: Irish singer-songwriter won an Academy Award, 2007 the best song for Falling Slowly, composed by him and his girlfriend, Marketa Iglóva, for what will be his only film as a duo acting: Eleven. For a song like that, why not going to like the author? Evidence, see: Http://
Honorable Mentions: Hugh Jackman, Taye Diggs, Matthew McFadyen, the eyes of Tom Welling and others.
¬ ¬ It's an insult to say that any sex of the human race is from Venus!
Well, I'm writing this while nostalgia invades me listening Barco a Venus ... YoY
1. What differences would be in a world where women can have it instead of the male of the human species?
2. A fascinating worms devour us, literally, books ... What book would you be? "One of history, art, sociology ...? What would your book?
3. Do you think torture is acceptable under special circumstances?
4. An animal species you can not bear! (For me is human) What would be so extinct species?
5. The Marquis de Sade said that "God is evil" because it says He wants humans to be good, but he did it with a nature prone to evil. What fun you respond to this human?
1. If I gave you the opportunity to reside in another country adopting another nationality, do you take?
would depend mostly on whether to adopt the national benefit to my family (eg access to public schooling system) and also if there is the patriotic love enough. Adopt a new nationality is largely a tribute to your adopted country and its people.
2. What is your opinion on Simon Bolivar and his ideal of the unity of the Americas and the way it is now addressed this issue?
When you visit Venezuela, you'll see that Simon Bolivar is a man of multiple forms: the name of the Republic, the International Airport, coins, state, etc., Etc. But to what extent the background? Thanks to him and his inspiration is accomplished great things for much of the South American republics were free. Read parts of letters most important (we do as part of primary education) and see the vision of a country or even a continent in which the unity of the country is desirable for our future (an idea which remains in force, do not you think? .)
However, in our current government, his name has been given to excess, falling into idolatry times ... I think Bolivar is a figure worth rediscover their proper dimension, like other figures the country (artists, scientists, etc.) that did so much and do not take a balanced way places and names on monuments, streets of Venezuela.
then hope the day comes that remains Bolivar hero .. no abuse of power.
3. What is the best type and the best brand of wine?
The one you like! No matter if it's cheaper or if you come from Australia or Argentina. The best wine is one that captivates you, said that by the winemakers and experts.
take this opportunity to ask, do you like Mexican wines?
4. How Pienas that is the situation of journalism in Venezuela compared with other countries?
Oops, I put a question to be short in space .. but basically, our journalism is called upon to vindicate after a time when political polarization has done much harm in the guild .. This situation does not know the history of other countries, but it could be the case. We also expected to require improvements, such as the existence of a law on access to national information. There is much to do and fortunately, people who want to improve things.
other hand, I hope that someday cease problems with your fellow journalists with the narcos: (The office is full of challenges everywhere.
5. You include more female characters in SS? Why ? If the answer was yes, replacing the current 5 males for females.
I would be inclined to strengthen the existing female characters, such as Marin, Shaina, June and the very Saori. Parts that were most active in history and share in most of the missions already have the bronze. Not for reasons of gender balance, but because if gender other shounen series women are figures of great importance (and are not dolls showcase), why not Saint Seiya?
However, one would see if such a concept would not change the story as it has been disseminated (politically incorrect "to kill women or vice versa?). Kurumada should answer that. I can not replace
existing characters (who we choose?), but you mentioned three "areas" of history in which to see the fellow would be interesting.
- 1 character equivalent of Polaris Hilda (earthly representative of a god / woman power) in the manga.
- 1 "gentleman" golden woman. And raised in fanarts of Holy Wars past and it is possible.
- 1 Kyoko or similar.
balance (almost) the debt.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Knitting Board Toronto
Puerto Rico, March 2008
Symphony No. 2 "Resurrection" Gustav Mahler
Credits: Fesnojiv
What are they evoking the dreamy eyes of Israeli mezzo-soprano Hadar Halévy a elegant gown while a director of no more than 25 years, Christian Vasquez, raises his hands in triumph before a battalion of two hundred choristers and orchestra one hundred performers, as young as the driver?
dreams of infinity. The immeasurable.
The Symphony No. 2 Composer Austro-Hungarian Gustav Mahler, Resurrection, performed on Thursday 3/4/2008 in the spaces of the Teatro Teresa Carreño in Caracas, takes in ninety minutes that everyone should escuhar before dying: .com / watch? v = WKeH3oYkFiw & feature = related (final). Personally, I first met thanks to the documentary Play and to Fight Venezuelan director Alberto Arvelo, wonderful film about the National System of Youth and Children Orchestras of Venezuela .
Mahler's melody in the film serves as the ideal channel to deliver noise in the culmination of the efforts of more than thirty years of work the system for social development in Venezuela. In my case, I fell in love with the composer and was "stuck" as few parts on the waiting list of orchestral performances in the city.
The history of the piece-part revised as of this writing, that was composed in a period of six years between 1888 and 1894 and released on December 15, 1895 in Berlin (Germany). It is distributed in five movements that develop a story line from the author: "The first movement is a funeral and ask questions like is there life after death?. The second movement chronicles the happy times in the life of the deceased, while the third represents the moments of a meaningless life. The fourth movement is to the release of that life, while the fifth, after the return of the doubts and questions from the earlier movements, strongly reaffirms the hope for eternal renewal and transcendence "(1).. The chorus comes around its peak in the fifth movement, In tempo des scherzos (scherzo time), with lyrics written by Mahler himself from the poem Die Auferstehung (Resurrection) by Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock.
In our times, the 2 nd Symphony has been the subject of the direction of renowned conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Zubin Mehta, Sir Simon Rattle (whose representation in May 2004 in Caracas were present in extracts Play and to Fight) and Leonard Bernstein, among many others. American businessman Gilbert Kaplan, an amateur director who has made this piece his specialty, short prints of interest to the understanding of the listeners:
"Mahler's music is very autobiographical and tried to answer three questions in this symphony for himself : Why do we live? Why we fight? "life is a joke scary? And so said all the world someday, should answer these questions. I think this Symphony takes you through the rollercoaster of life, hope and misery at the same time. His story became our history (...)"
O glaube, mein Herz, or
Oh believe glaube , my heart, oh believe
Oh believe my heart, create
Es geht dir nichts verloren!
Nothing is lost to you
nothing is lost for you
Dein ist, ja dein, du gesehnt WAS! Yours
is, yes yours, Is What You Desire
Yours is, yes, you, what you wanted
Dein, Was Du geliebt,
What You Have Loved You, what you loved
Was du gestritten!
Fought for What You Have!
From what you have fought!
O glaube
Oh, believe
Oh, believe
Du nicht umsonst geboren! Not
You were born for nothing
were not born in vain
Hast nicht umsonst gelebt, gelitten! Have
not for nothing, Lived, Suffered
have not lived, suffered, nothing
Was ist entstanden
What Was created
What has been created
Das muß ! Pass
must perish
debe Pereces
What passed resurrected!
what perished, rise again!
perecido lo, ¡debe vivir otra vez! to shake
Listen up!
cease from trembling!
cesa ¡el temblor!
live Prepare yourself!
prepare yourself to live!
¡preparat para vivir!
O pain! You are all-pervading!
pain Oh, you piercer of all things
oh, dolor, de todas las cosas tú desgarrador
you I have been wrested!
from you, I have been wrestled
a ti, have overcome
O Tod! Du Allbezwinger!
O Death, you masters of all things
Oh, death, thou mistress of all things
bezwungen Nun bist du!
Now, are you Conquered!
now has been conquered! Mit
Flügeln, die ich mir errungen,
Which Have Won With wings
me wings that I have won
In heißem Liebesstreben,
in love's fierce Striving
in the fierce struggle of love
I Shall I lift up soar upwards to the heights
Zum Licht, zu dem kein Aug'gedrungen!
to the light Which no eye has penetrated! A la luz que
¡Ningún ojo penetrado ha!
With wings that I be won me entschweben
its wing that I won is expanded
su ala, que Gane, está abierta
and I fly up
y así Volar.
shall I die to live!
The I shall in order to live! Morir para vivir
Rise again, yes, rise again
Rise again, yes, rise again
Levan tart, sí levan tarte,
Will you, my heart, in an instant!
will you, my heart, in an instant!
arise, my heart, in an instant! Was du
That For Which You Suffered
All this for what you've been
zu Gott wird es dich tragen!
To God it will lead you! You will
Back to the Venezuelan representation is such that even children of ten years old sitting in the back (students of the nuclei of the system in North San Agustin, west of Caracas neighborhood near the Teatro Teresa Carreño), mischievous during part of the concert, they were finally quiet. Many of the public laughed and jumped, some cried.
Presumably Gustav Mahler would have liked to see this interpretation. Not only by the happy faces of choristers and musicians, but also by the possibility of other sites, some immediate and others long term: the children of St. Augustine, as future interpreters of his symphony, the singer, the happiness of a great applause in a foreign territory to him and one, a mere listener ... the joy of being present on Earth, including humans.
Thanks, orchestra and chorus. Thanks, Gustav Mahler. One day, we will listen.
Notes (1) Translated From (Mahler) # Origin
More information about this work:
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Stage 4b Pancreatic Cancer Life Expectancy
Summer Day
Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-
The One Who has flung herself out of the grass,
The One Who is eating sugar out of my hand,
Who is moving her jaws back and forth up and down INSTEAD OF "Who is gazing
around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?
~ Mary Oliver in New and Selected Poems (Boston: Beacon Press) 1992
Summer Day
Who made the world?
Who made the swan and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean
which has jumped from the grass
who is eating sugar out of my hand
moving his jaw from right to left instead of up and down
which looks around with eyes wide and complicated
Now lift your legs pale and washed his face
and stretch their wings and fly
I do not know exactly what a prayer
know how to look, how to fall
in the grass, how to kneel in her
how to be simple and blessed, how to roam the fields,
thing I've been doing all day
Tell me, what else can I do?
Finally, do not die all too quickly?
Tell me what you think
do with your one precious life? Mary Oliver
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Appendicitis Vs. Ovulation Pain
Hello Friends!!
Today I post some icons. I know most of yOu (maybe all of yOu) won't like it but it's my new oBsession. It hapenned when the team that yoU are a member since six month ago make yOu feel better than the team yoU admire the most, the team that supported since you was born
+ 16 Getafe CF
+ 02 Maresca
+ 08 Atletico de Madrid (Forlan, Aguero, Simao, Luis Garcia and Stadium)
I'm going to Lisboa!!!! 6th of March. I am going to watch a Getafe match against Benfica with my bro and a friend. I tell you all things in other entries
Ps. I hope Eduardo Da Silva (Arsenal's forward) recover from his injury. It's so sad that a football player can destroy the life of another player... I hope it doesn't happen to Eduardo...