Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dragon Dragon Age Wolf Lair


Okay, I know I should put a decent entry to tell some of my after 5 weeks without updating the counter happy main page that tells you when was your last update and that makes me regret every time I go ¬ ¬ but I've seen this meme as chulisimimamente cool in LJ [info] bohokid I could not avoid placing. I promise you before I go on vacation to the beach I put a decent entry had a little something (and I'm leaving on Saturday so you can take account xD)

Meme stolen from [info] bohokid is
inevitable that as we read the diaries of others, we create a mental image of them. Even if we occasionally, you usually have a mental image of me that may agree or disagree with my real appearance. If we've never met face to face, the mental image can become truly interesting. Take a moment to think about what famous person (can be a model, actress, actor, a character in a series of a film, a particular photo ... whatever) I remember you and find an image on the internet, then post it in my diary.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Emerald Tree Boas For Sale In The Uk

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing .

Theodore Roosevelt